Presentations for General Audiences
Your Changing Body
"The puberty talk" for 5th or 6th grade girls and their moms. Cool demos, questions + answers, and fun!
Taking Care of You: Everything you need to know in half an hour
Goes beyond diet and exercise; a concise guide to healthy living for teens of all ages. Includes sexuality and substance use. 30 minutes plus time for questions.
More Zzzzz's, please!
The case for later school start times.
Sex Education in America: are we moving forward or backward?
A look at sex education in the United States: history, policy, politics, and a contrasting approach in Europe.
Tipping the Scales: The truth about eating disorders
What exactly are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa? Who is likely to get these illnesses? What causes them? How are they treated? An introduction to eating disorders for high school and college students, and general audiences.
“My daughter and I attended the fabulous mother daughter talk at our school and we learned so much about her body and the changes that are going to occur. It really opened the door to conversations about puberty in a way that wasn’t scary or uncomfortable!”
Presentations For Professional Audiences
Sex Education in America: are we moving forward or backward?
A look at sex education in the United States: history, policy, politics, and a contrasting approach in Europe.
More Zzzzz's please!
The case for later school start times.
The One Hour Medical School
A look at the eating disordered patient from a physician's point of view. Lab tests, signs, symptoms, syndromes, and medical treatment are demystified. For psychotherapists, dietitians, and other non-M.D. eating disorders professionals. Can also be presented as "The 90 Minute Medical School."
Eating Disorders 101
Recognizing and managing the eating disordered patient. For physicians. Suitable for grand rounds, resident education, and conferences.
Medical Stabilization of the Eating Disordered Patient
Identifying at-risk patients, details of hospital treatment, management of gastrointestinal complications and refeeding syndrome. For physicians, nurses, dietitians, and eating disorders specialists.
The GI Primer
Constipation, gastroparesis, and reflux disease are extremely common in patients with eating disorders and can interfere with recovery if unrecognized. Learn when to suspect these problems, and who needs referral to a gastroenterologist. For physicians and eating disorders professionals. With Mini Mehra, MD, pediatric gastroenterologist. Initially presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, April 25, 2015, Boston.
A Complementary Medicine Sampler
Yoga, meditation, natural supplements, and other useful healing modalities never mentioned in medical school. Also available with eating disorders focus.
The Healthy Teen
Beyond diet and exercise. A broader vision of health. For physicians, nurses, psychologists, teachers – and anyone who works with adolescents.
“Once again the class loved your presentation! You really had an impact on the students; many of them mentioned your lecture as a highlight of the entire course..”